Thursday 19 April 2012

Crafting or housework?

Apologies for not posting my blog for the last two days, had no access to a lappie.  Did find the app for my tablet so now I can jot down my ramblings anytime.

To try and sort my wandering brain cells I thought I would make a list of things I needed /wanted to do yesterday. I also included reasons why I should or shouldn't complete each one.  I had 10 things to do and you guessed it, I only completed 5!  Being a dedicated crafter, housework takes second place to card making.  I did do the mundane washing up, washing and then some baking.When the kids came in from work they were straight into the cookies with the "What's with the baking?" comment. You try and be a fifties style mother, apron on and homemade cookies cooling and that's what you get! Did burn the first lot of cookies though, got engrossed in the film on TV.  Ooops.  There was a time when I was first married that I baked every week.  Not only cookies and cake, but savoury pies as well.  Looking back, disposable income was tight (we'd just paid for the wedding), and I was trying to impress new hubby.  That soon wore off, believe me.

As I said earlier, card making takes priority over housework.  Those who craft will know what I mean.  A good friend who visits us will tell you that the dining table is usually full of card, ink, stamps, etc..  When it's meal times I usually just push it to one side.  I'm sure the family got fed up of 'the mess' but were to polite to say anything.  Anyway, last week I decided to sort all the crafting stash out.  New bookcases were bought and built, then started to move all the stash.  I really thought it would only take a day.  Wrong.  Three days later I finally finished.  Now I sit in the corner of the room, but at least the dining table is free.

Monday evening I sat at my craft area and made a sympathy card.  These are the hardest cards to make.  I like them to be tasteful and elegant yet at the same time personal to the family receiving it.  I must admit, I try and do that for every card I make.  Later today, I'll be sat in my corner again making some more cards.  I'll send people a card just to say 'Hi', it's better than a bill anytime and I do think it's good to send a card for no reason other than to let them know you're thinking of them.  Once I'm up to date on my cards I can get on with the scrapbooks.  I prefer to think of them as memory books.  Reliving times of your life with photos and written memories.  I have memories of my parents and grandparents, and it's good to put these memories down so the children have these when I'm no longer walking this earth.  I will be asking my parents to write down their childhood memories so these can be passed down too.  As well as photos, I also write small pieces to go with them. Where, when, who, anything that comes to mind.  One thing I do put in is family sayings.  Those things your mum said as you were growing up and now you hear yourself saying! 
Going to finish for now, make a coffee and start making some cards.  Olwyn x

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