Saturday 14 April 2012


My mind wanders just like I did as a child growing up in a HM Service family.  All over the place and sometimes at very short notice.  Needless to say my three children at times think I'm totally bonkers.  Probably not too far from the truth as 2011 was the year I had another nervous breakdown.  Those who know me would probably think that was the most unlikely thing to happen to someone who is so 'bubbly and out-going'.  Well, you know the saying, 'Public face and private tears', so very true in my case.

Admitting there is something wrong with your mind that makes you unable to cope with everyday life is difficult.  As a woman and a mother part of me felt as though I was failing.  What in?  No idea.  A visit to the docs was needed.  Blubbering like a child and feeling ridiculous I was duly prescribed the anti depressants and a referral for councelling.  One year on and councelling done, I'm still on the meds.  Like everyone I have good days and bad days, only thing is my bad days can last literally days.  My highs are high and my lows are low.  My mind will take a great deal of organizing, and will probably never be what it once was.  My youngest puts it down to 'old timers desease', cheeky sod.  Thankfully my three children, our bonkers Jack Russell and a good friend in Surrey are the ones that get me through.  Without them I'd be a more mentally dis-organized person than I am.

Sat late last night (13/04/12) I decided that to write what I feel could be a healing process.  Hence setting up this blog.  If no-one reads it apart from me, hey......... 

So now my blog is up and running, it's time for me to get organized and make time to sit and write.  If none of it makes sense as you read it, that's just how my mind works.  All over the place.  My ramblings will continue, so until then thanks for sparing a few seconds of your life gaining an insight into mine.


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