Saturday 21 April 2012

Found it!

I found it!  Yippee!

Under a pile of crafting stash on my desk, there it was.  Hiding.  I was looking for something else and there, lurking with intent, waiting to be released from the hell it had found itself in was ........ my list!!

I'd decided to make one the other day, to try and help plough through the treacle that is commonly known as my mind.  Then I lost it.  Now I've found it, I'll have to put it in a safe place for later.  Only thing is with 'safe' places is that they are so safe we don't actually remember where they are.  Years ago my mother thought the safest place for my purse was the microwave!  What was that about?  Two days I spent looking in an increasing state of panic, when she eventually remembered where she had put it.

Anyway, I digress.  Back to my list.  Thought I'd share it with you.

1     Washing.
A HUGE pile of clothes and bedding has managed to find its way downstairs and navigate its way to the utility room.  There it sits, in front of the washer, looking forlorn.  I think it's hinting at something.  Let's see how long it sits there before someone else takes pity on it other than me.

2     Ironing
Not only have the dirty clothes found their way downstairs, the washing fairy has obviouslydone some as the ironing basket is now being sick all over the work surface.  Looks like the iron and ironing board will be going on a journey.

3    Vacuumn House
Decided I can't do this as hubby sleeping.  He works permanent nights as a Night Manager for a Hotel chain so sleeps all day.  Poor vacuumn cleaner thinks it's been made redundant.

4    Dust, polish and tidy up
Noiseless activity.  I have no excuse not to do this before the family start writing messages to me in the dust.

5     Kitchen Floor
Another silent job.  Again, can't find an excuse NOT to do this.

6     Baking
I love, love, love baking.  On the baking agenda is: Apple cake, Shortbread amd Viennese Cookies.  This could well be the first job of the day.

7     Washing up
Having a dishwasher, I coulod put all the pots in it, but there is something quite tharaputic about washing up.  Sad, I know. 

8     Make some cards
Have cards to make for various occasions.  Time to release my creative side and forget everything other than designing my pieces of art.

9    Prepare evening meal
Usual answer when family is asked what they woud like to eat, is 'Anything' or 'I don't know'.  One day I may just find time from somewhere and write out loads of 'Anything' and 'I don't know' and serve them for tea.  Seriously, going to try and be an efficient mother and have something sorted.  Don't hold your breath.

10    Catch up with a very dear friend
Spend some 'ME TIME' writing an email to my best friend.  Someone whom I love dearly.  Haven't heard from him in a long while.  He's going through Chemo at the moment.  Got to remind him how special he is (even thought he already knows), and tell him even though we are far apart I am with him always.

I decided to stop at 10.  No point in setting myself up to fail.  According to my councellor that's what I do all the time.  Apparently I have extremely high standards for myself and pass those standards on to other members of the family.  I admit to this, and have guided the children to reach their goals and they have set their own standards on their life journey.  I have high standards for my home, but if you looked at it now you'd argue the point.  I've had a phase of 'allergic to housework'.  Do you ever leave something and wait (hope) someone else will do it?  It's like the stuff on the stairs.  Everyone wlaks past it without seeing it.  Next time cover the whole stair with 'stuff' and they step over it!  What is that all about?  Anyway, couldn't live with it anymore hence the list. 

So you found your list, I hear you say, what did you do with it?  How many did you complete?  The baking was a complete success.  The Apple cake was the first to go.  As I'd used so many dishes etc., I had to do the washing up.  In fact there were only two of the list that I did not complete.  Ironing and kitchen floor.  I award myself 8/10.  Not bad.  Did I fail?  In my opinion, no.  So finding my list was beneficial.  I had a productive time and felt good about myself.  Isn't that all that matters after all?

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